I know a place
Eu bem que gostava de conhecer esse lugar...

I know a place - Bob Marley
When the whole world lets you down
And there's nowhere for you to turn
Cause all of your best friends let you down-own-own
And you tried to accumulate
But the world is full of hateS
o all of your best thoughts, just adrift through space
I know a place where we can carry
We can carry on, we can carry on
And this people like you, ooh people like me
People need to be free yeah
There is a place in the sun where there is love for everyone
Where we can be yeah
I know a place where we can carry on
We can carry on, we can carry on
Pois... É o mal desta gente... Moradas exactas é uma coisa que parece que lhes custa...
I wish I knew this place Marley speaks of.
I've been lost in a sea of term papers and exams. School is keeping me so busy!! But, winter vacation is coming up soon, so I will be free for three weeks, yay! Miss chatting with you every now and then as well. Hope you are well!
me too...:'(
ps- okeeeyyy,pa proxima eu lembro-me de por o tlm em silencio =P
oi* * gostei muito do teu bloog..nao tenho nenhum...tenho d fazer...se tiveres msn da m o teu mail k adiciono te...o meu é nirkasss@homtail.com...o cabelo ta fix klaro;)))))...tens ha kto tempo?paz*beijos*
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